Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 101
As many as one in 10 women of childbearing years can have polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, according to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health Division. Estimates are that upwards of five million Americans may be affected by PCOS. If you suspect you are dealing with PCOS, knowing that you are not alone may help.
Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome PCOS
It’s important for you to know that the symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome are unique to each woman, though there are some common symptoms that many women experience who have PCOS. In most cases, more than one symptom is present. These include: - Irregular periods (infrequent or absent)
- Ovarian cysts
- Signs of androgen excess (excess facial or body hair, thinning hair or male-patterned baldness)
- Acne and/or oily skin
- Dandruff
- Insulin resistance
- Fertility issues (miscarriages and not ovulating)
Other signs are presence of skin tags, anxiety, depression, sleep apnea, and pelvic pain. Weight gain is also associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome, and obesity can make symptoms more pronounced. Symptoms may start gradually, sometimes in the early teens, and progress.
Getting Evaluated for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Because having polycystic ovarian syndrome can increase the risk of developing the following conditions, particularly if you are also dealing with obesity, it is important to get evaluated, especially at a Fertility Clinic NYC if infertility is a problem. - High blood pressure
- Abnormal cholesterol
- Metabolic syndrome
- Endometrial cancer
- Type 2 diabetes
- Infertility
- Gestational diabetes
- Pregnancy-induced high blood pressure
There is no one specific test at that ultimately leads to the diagnosis of PCOS. Rather, various conditions must be ruled out (or ruled in) to derive a final polycystic ovarian syndrome diagnosis. For example, tests for abnormal cholesterol levels, diabetes, and ovarian tests are done as part of a PCOS evaluation.
Treatment for PCOS at a New York Fertility Clinic
Fortunately, PCOS can be treated through diet, exercise, and medication for unwanted hair growth, ovulation induction, or irregular menstrual cycles for example. Because women who have PCOS may not ovulate regularly or have regular periods, getting pregnant may be a challenge. If infertility is associated with PCOS, ovulation induction and other fertility treatment methods may be used in order to try to conceive. There are a number of fertility treatments, including natural approaches for women with PCOS, at Fertility Clinics in New York City. If you suspect you might have PCOS and are struggling with infertility, reach out to New York Reproductive Wellness at 347-220-3754 in New York, NY or (516) 757-7673 in Jericho, NY for a Polycystic Ovary Syndrome evaluation and to learn about natural fertility approaches.