Understanding the Ovulation Calendar Cycles
If you are trying to get pregnant, you will need to become familiar with your ovulation cycle as part of your fertility evaluation. You can do this by tracking ovulation and your fertile days each month with an ovulation calendar. Each month, you have about six fertile days in what is called your fertile window. These are the days leading up to ovulation. Unfortunately, women often try to conceive based on a standard cycle, but if you ovulate early or late, you might miss it. In fact, only about 30 percent of women have their fertile window according to the clinical guidelines. This is why tracking your ovulation has become such a vital way to conceive a child.
Why the Ovulation Calendar is So Important

When you don’t track your ovulation and you only know the days when your menstrual cycle starts and stops, you might guess around the time you ovulate, but you don’t know for sure. This can cause you to miss your fertile window, which means you did not have sexual intercourse in your fertile window. If this keeps happening month after month, the chances of you getting pregnant are extremely low. When you use a calendar of your ovulation, you can improve you chances of getting pregnant. This is because you can look at patterns over time so that you can see your own individual cycle and when you tend to ovulate.
Ways to Track Your OvulationI
f you have trouble conceiving and visit a New York fertility clinic, the specialist will most likely ask how you have been tracking your ovulation. It is good to start doing this even before you get fertility treatment. There are a couple different ways to track your ovulation.
Use ovulation predictor kits
– Ovulation predictor kits, or OPKs, are similar to home pregnancy tests. There is a stick that uses urine to detect an Luteinizing hormone LH) surge, which will let you know if you are close to your fertile window. *
**Take your temperature***
– You can also try taking your temperature each day. You want your basal body temperature, so make sure you are using a Basil Body Temperature (BBT) thermometer and not a standard one. You will take your temperature at the same time every day before getting out of bed, then look at the chart and look for a spike in your temperature. This occurs on the day after you have ovulated. Also keep in mind that there might also be other signs that you are ovulating, such as tracking your cervical mucus and knowing based on certain body signs, like cramping. Your local fertility clinic NYC will provide more information on these signs. Contact us here at New York Reproductive Wellness to learn about our fertility and reproductive services.